BoCliMa - Uma Ferramenta para Suporte ao Processamento de Dados de um Laboratório de Instrumentação Meteorológica


This paper aims at presenting BoCliMa, a software tool developed to support the data processing of a Meteorological laboratory hosted at a Brazilian public university. BoCliMa is open-source and was developed using the Java platform, can export data generated to XML, has graphical interface to its users, and was build following the Model-View-Controller architecture. The input for BoCliMa is the data produced by a meteorological station and the output is the climatic data per day regarding temperature, pressure, humidity, index heat, among others. Such output is presented in a graphical way whose main purpose is to disclose meteorological bulletins to the population in general as well as to other researchers in the field.

In: VII Conferência Científica Internacional de la Universidad de Holguín, 2015, Holguín, Cuba